Sniffer dog and trip hazard


As the newest member of the team what Otto lacks in knowledge he makes up for in enthusiasm.

Key skills including pallet jumping, tearing up paper and cuddles. He maybe slightly mad but he is great, just make sure you hide your flapjacks.

What Otto's drinking...

Pra Soave 'Otto'
An absolutely classic Soave - though no longer 'classico' as the rules and regulations don't allow for screwcap closures! Same excellent q

Pra Soave 'Otto'

Italy, Veneto
Single bottle

Otto doesn't drink, he has more fun jumping on or over the boxes, but if he did he would be partial to Pra's Soave called 'Otto'!

Azienda Pra are an incredible producer from the Valpolicella region in Italy. Graziano Pra for a long time has achieved worldwide acclaim for his red wines... Amarone, Ripasso and Valpolicella and more recently he has been one of a number of wine makers putting high level Soave back on the map.

We have a long standing relationship and respect for how Pra work and we just can't get enough of the wines they produce. Having visited the Winery a number of times it has been amazing to see their love of dogs also. Lupo is their current resident pup, however previous to this it was 'Otto' who was Graziano's sheep dog.

Having created many special memories at the winery drinking their wine it was no wonder Sarah called her dog 'Otto'